Wednesday, March 21, 2007

jammin' econo

heres another youtube video for y'all (I like to think I have hundreds of daily readers) 'the minutemen', my favorite politically charged punk band with a chubby bearded lead singer. Friday I'll post my final thoughts on quitting my job, maybe going back to school, living off savings for awhile, etc...


jay said...

I've been meaning to watch the "We Jam Econo" documentary about the Minutemen for a while but haven't gotten around to it. Maybe we can watch it for one of our monthly rock-doc night??

I'm highly interested in hearing your unemployment stories as I may be among the ranks in a matter of weeks.

Eva the Deadbeat said...

Revel in your unemployment guys. Chew on the fat o'life! I vote for school JB - always a good time. Have a great last day!

the le duo said...

I bought 'we jam econo' for tanner's birthday- so if we decide to watch it for rock doc night I could bring it...

thanks for the well wishes! yeah