Friday, May 26, 2006

memorial day weekend

So, after being brainwashed by Casey @ Solid State for six weeks, I decided I would get a ticket for the Pants show Saturday night; or more accurately I would allow Marnie to buy me a ticket (thanks Marnie!) Although I was quite young when the Pants ruled the school, I think I may have seen them once at Toast with my buddy Jared and we used to listen to their cover of ‘Golgi Apparatus’ over and over.

So Saturday I told Kyle I’d bring him up to his sister Angela’s graduation party, and then maybe I’ll put in a little family time (my niece should be here any day now!) and then speed back to Burlington for the big show. After that maybe raucous late night after hours rave down drink fest memorial day in style.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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