Friday, May 05, 2006

stupid Bush propaganda war

Referring to this article here.

sure, al-Zarqawi may have trouble firing a machine gun (US made btw) but the guys with the ideas and the money and the support such as himself are MORE DANGEROUS AND MORE POWERFUL than the guys with the machine guns and bombs strapped to their chests. I'd like to see fucking G.W fire a machine gun. Or Dick Cheney. burn.

on a lighter note, Marnie, Mike, Yanni and I were at the OP last night drinking venting bitching laughing watching baseball when some reps for Shipyard Brewing Co. came in and gave us pitcher after pitcher of Old Thumper English Style Ale. yeah. free beer, dig it.



Tanner M. said...

man free beer... wish i didn't have to work so late last night. Balls! (tm)

the le duo said...

i called the sinny at about 9 lookin for you/todd- he said he had plans, and I said shit. we ended up giving a lot of the beer away. it was a sad night

Anonymous said...

i love shipyard i.p.a.

Tanner M. said...

those two comments back to back make me giggle.